Former American Idol finalist Bucky Covington has inked a record deal with Entertainment One Music Group, with plans for new music as early as winter 2011. While Entertainment One Music Group represents artists across a diverse range of genres, Bucky is joining the label as their premier Country talent.“From the first time I met Bucky a couple of years ago I’ve been very impressed with not only his great music but also his engaging personality and love of performing for country music fans,” shares Entertainment One Nashville Vice-President Van Fletcher. "We are really enjoying working with Bucky Covington and his management team on his sophomore release in 2012 for Entertainment One Nashville.“
"We are very excited to welcome Bucky Covington to our Entertainment One Film, TV, and Music family,” adds Entertainment One Nashville President Mike Olsen. “We are already having great success this year at eOne and adding Bucky to our roster is a wonderful indicator for 2012 and beyond."Bucky first burst onto the scene in 2006 following an impressive finish on the fifth season of American Idol. “A Different World, “It’s Good To Be Us,” and “I’ll Walk.” After the 2010 closure of Disney’s Lyric Street Records, Bucky continued to record new music while performing to sold-out crowds across the country."After getting to know everyone at eOne, they are a perfect fit for me. Being a part of eOne is such a great opportunity, and I truly believe it will be a winning combination. I love these guys!” declares Bucky. “I am very excited and can’t wait to get the party started and share my new music with my fans."Bucky is busy in the studio writing and recording new music for his long-awaited sophomore album.